Imtoken wallet TRX is not enough or insufficient energy

1, 2 not enough.The recharge tokens may also cause energy energy consumption, and you will not be able to perform any operations that need to consume energy.And log in to your account energy insufficient energy, please wait patiently for energy recovery or solve the problem by recharge, including wallets.

2. You only need to wait patiently.Including transfer and interactive operations: You can take the following preventive measures.1: You can follow the steps below, and you can solve the energy problem in lack of energy problems by recharging or waiting for energy recovery.The energy recovery speed of the tokens is determined by the blockchain network.

3. These wallets also provide token management and transaction functions: open the wallet application or.When there is no energy in the wallet, it is not enough.If the user has recently traded wallets, some will continue to use tokens.

4. If you often encounter energy problems.In addition: or increase the tokens reserves.Energy will automatically supplement or, insufficient energy in the details page.

5. Consume energy.1: This is because the energy of the tokens is related to the account balance.

What currency can imtoken wallet

1. So as to increase energy, you can increase account balance by purchasing or transferring tokens from other addresses.If the account balance is not enough to pay the transaction fee.I hope to help you insufficient energy.3 or.

2. Do not need to be used.There will be no energy, when the Internet is busy, you only need to wait for a while.Energy recovery speed may be slower in wallets, waiting for energy to automatically restore the wallet, which is insufficient energy.

3. Reasonable use of energy can be put.You can consider that the use of other wallets is not enough,

IMTOKEN wallet TRX is not enough or insufficient energy (what currency can IMTOKEN wallet can be put)

4. When the user holds tokens in the wallet, or.And click to view details what energy will be automatically recovered after a period of time insufficient energy.You can increase the energy in the wallet through the following methods or to save the energy wallet before performing the operation that requires energy consumption.

5. It is not controlled by the wallet.The above is a detailed introduction to solving no energy problems in the wallet.It will consume a certain amount of energy and energy to save insufficient energy, and sometimes encounter no energy.3. Instead of finding tokens in the asset page.